Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Melissa’s Journey to a New Self – February 2012, Entry #3: Battling the Mom Guilt

In talking to moms, I realize that we all struggle with feelings of guilt from time to time. Although it’s a positive sign that we’re trying to do our best, we need to learn to let it go so that we can be our best! As a mom, Melissa is no different:

"The concept seems so easy: Eat right, burn calories and loss weight.  Why in reality is it so hard?  Well, I really hate to admit this but I am human and I am not perfect (shhh…don’t tell my husband). I also have emotions that sometimes get in the way of my goals.  I also have a hard time to sticking with a plan.

"Now this being said, my emotions have gotten in the way of my goals.  It really comes down to feeling like I have other things I should be doing besides exercising. I feel like I should be cleaning or spending time with my children. I actually feel a bit selfish if I take the time to go exercise. I know I should not feel this way, that I am a happier person when I exercise because I took an hour for myself.  Also, I know my kids will be happier because I will have more energy. I just need to take 3 hours a week for myself.  It really is better all around.

"Eating seems to go alright during the day for me but once the kids go to bed I feel like I deserve a treat. My goal is finding another treat besides food. Too bad I can’t get excited about stickers like my two-year-old!  I have been struggling to figure out something to keep my mind off of food late at night.

"The plan this month is too make it easy so I can stick with it.  I know once I am at the gym I have more motivation.  I just plan to go three times a week every week in February and run/walk a mile.  It’s simple, it’s easy, and I can build on it each week."

1 comment:

  1. Melissa, your story is inspiring to me. I also have a hard time at night after I put my girls to bed. Thanks for sharing yourself on here. You rock!
