Friday, March 30, 2012

Top 10 Reasons to Experience CORE I

10. Most of the exercises appear easy, but you learn quickly they are actually difficult.

9. You can witness firsthand my inability to count "1, 2, …8." (no joke)

8. If you’ve ever wondered what purpose the fitness accessories in the gym serve, you can bet the accessory is utilized in CORE I (bands, loops, balls, rollers…)

7. It teaches you proper form to help prevent a myriad of future injuries (i.e., rotator cuff injuries, running injuries, low back pain).

6. With my inability to be silent, you will probably be educated on some fitness-related topic regardless if you want to or not.

5. The face-down exercises allow you to smell the fabric softener of the clean New Self towels!

4. You will develop a life-long love/hate relationship with your loop.

3. Never will you hear the command "pelvic tilt" so much within one hour.

2. The music allows you to sample many different versions of the same song.

And the number one reason to take CORE I is....
You get to work muscles you’ve never heard of, but will definitely be aware of tomorrow! (and they'll thank you!)

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