Friday, April 27, 2012

Why the Greens Are Good

Fruits and vegetables should make up a large portion of your diet. They are low in calories, which is good; and they are high in vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals and fiber, which is even better.

Experts suggest that you eat five to nine servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Do you know what that actually looks like? One serving of raw vegetables would be about one cup chopped. That’s about the size of a baseball. So five to nine baseballs of raw vegetables a day? Are YOU eating that much? I had a friend tell me just last week that if we actually ate what we were SUPPOSED to eat, we wouldn’t have TIME or ROOM in our stomachs for the bad stuff!

Eating the suggested amount of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis is difficult for many people. Busy schedules, eating on the run, and the temptation of junk foods are all barriers to getting enough fruits and vegetables into your diet.

Here at New Self we have a FABULOUS way to help you get your servings of fruits and vegetables! We found a way to sneak in at least ONE of those daily servings of fruits and vegetables with our True Greens smoothies. Marketed as “salad bar in a jar”, one serving of True Greens is equal to one USDA serving of daily fruits and vegetables. 


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