Friday, July 27, 2012

Back Pain

Another specific area for injury prevention is back pain. According to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA), 4 out of 5 Americans will experience back pain at some time in their lives. Back pain is said to be second only to upper respiratory infections as the most common reason for doctor visits, costing Americans at least $50 billion each year. With statistics like that, the chances are good that all of us will experience back pain at some point, if we haven't already.

Although there are many causes of back pain, including sprains, strains, ruptured disks and inflammation, muscle weakness is a big contributor to most back pain. Therefore, many cases of back pain can be prevented or greatly minimized if time is taken to stretch and strengthen weak back muscles.

If you would like more information on how to accomplish this, come and talk to Arik or I or visit a Core I class!


  1. Although there are many causes of returning problems, including sprains, variations, cracked disks and inflammation, muscle weakness is a big contributor to most returning problems.

  2. Back pain can only be controlled through taking proper diet and doing exercise.Which person suffer from this disease should start do Pilates workout routine.It results in give more strength to muscles and release stress.
